This is the Message Centre for Alien


Post 1


I haven't investigated your page thouroughly, but I will. I liked your post on the "Where are you from" conversation smiley - smiley

I'll be back!



Post 2


Hello to you too! Nice to notice someone's noticing me... I'll be heading to your page! smiley - smiley


Post 3


I love this SETI idea. I am still reading up on it. I am not new to the Internet, but since "discovering" H2G2, I've found new dimensions that add to my ability to actually *contribute* to the Internet.

I'll be checking in often!



Post 4


I joined the SETI@home too only a few days ago though I had heard about it earlier... Just couldn't get myself join until now... But yes, it's nice to be a part of it... Though it's hard to imagine anyone ever finds any aliens... Not that they wouldn't exist - of course they do! smiley - smiley

And I see you've put a link to me on your page! *a wide smile appears on her face* smiley - smiley I'll link to you too!! Just wait a moment...

*almost gets herself lost in the jungle of all windows, finally getting the edit screen in front of her and updating it*

There! See ya! smiley - smileysmiley - smiley


Post 5


Oh cool! I've been linked! Thank-you!

I found an alien even without SETI smiley - smiley


Post 6


Then you must be an alien too... They are sometimes said to have telepathical (?) powers you know? smiley - smiley Or perhaps they've replaced your brain? That's what happened to a friend of mine... smiley - winkeye (Oh no, that wasn't me!!) smiley - smileysmiley - smiley


Post 7


Oh brain is completely intact as the same one I entered this world with. I am not letting anyone/thing near that...the storer of all that is wonderful in my life. But...I could be an alien...



Post 8


Oh well, it's good to know someone's taking care of their brain... Seen any snow lately? smiley - smiley


Post 9


Just last week...and it was quite miserable. I am more than ready for Spring. I suppose I shouldn't complain of snow to a Findlandian smiley - smiley


Post 10


You haven't seen snow lately??!?! Damn that Garius Lupus... Perhaps you soon will... smiley - smiley


Post 11

Arnold, Friget, Dwiezel and Strilla

"Though it's hard to imagine anyone ever finds any aliens..."
Stupid SETI... Stupid Aliens... Other than me... smiley - smiley You don't actually need SETI or something to find the aliens. They'll come if they like and if they won't then they won't be found. Except some stupids who don't know how to drive their spaceships! smiley - sadface
Good day to you and all!


Post 12


Of course I was talking about new aliens, not anyone I know already... I mean anyone outside Vaderium... And that's my opinion too that the SETI won't help much if they don't want to be found... But it makes one feel like doing something useful since there isn't any better way to hail the aliens before you get yourself into inventing that teleport...
I'm trying to make myself writing mails soon... pp & PP!! smiley - smiley


Post 13

Arnold, Friget, Dwiezel and Strilla

pp? I won the cards! Almost... smiley - sadface
Have nice inventing!


Post 14


"Pelataan pian" of course... And happy inventing to YOU, I don't remember promising to invent anything... smiley - smiley

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