Journal Entries

...another chess game...

Mike A (our team captain) kept going on about that since we beat W----- last week 5-0 and they had beaten C-------- 4-1 then our match last night against C-------- was bound to be a formality. I had won my last three games and was playing on board one. I got a superior position but couldn't see a clear win so I just settled for winning a pawn and started grinding my opponent down. But then I unaccountably missed the fact that a pawn was pinned against my queen, moved the pawn and lost my queen for a bishop. Aaaargh! Went straight to pub. (We lost the match 3-2.)

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Latest reply: May 18, 2005

Chess game

I played a game against Trevor last night and we drew. I have never beaten Trevor is a standard (slow) game before and I clearly had an advantage. In the final position I was short of time - I (black) played Ra3 and offered a draw which Trevor rapidly accepted. The computer told me this morning that Ra1 wins!

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Latest reply: Apr 12, 2005


My car engine blew up yesterday near junction 8 of the M25. It was towed to my local garage and I agreed today to get the engine replaced by a reconditioned one. The garage proprietor seemed amused by my account of what happened. "It's gonna cost megabucks" he said ...

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Latest reply: Apr 11, 2005

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