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Post 1


My car engine blew up yesterday near junction 8 of the M25. It was towed to my local garage and I agreed today to get the engine replaced by a reconditioned one. The garage proprietor seemed amused by my account of what happened. "It's gonna cost megabucks" he said ...


Post 2


Well Mike I know I asked for mundane. Yet these are but the raw materials of the beginnings of an idea...
I identify various motifs : the motif of manners, the motif of initiation, the motif of the elegy, the motif of the gothic (potentially a bestseller), above all the motif of adventure.

Of course, you would have to help us connect the dots between "it blew up" and "it was towed" (the motif of invective perhaps).

It has certain possibilities, let us see how it matures.

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