This is the Message Centre for pleBa
Welcome pleBa...
Crescent Started conversation Feb 22, 2000
..To the weird and wonderful world of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy : Sol III Edition. Here you can smear your version, and your corner of the world all over the net I am Crescent, an Assistant Community Editor, here to meet and greet, and guide to The Guide
If you have any probs, questions, or just want to chat, just yell from this forum, or go to my homepage (click on my name above this post
and ask there. When I notice I will leap to your aid. If I do take an awfully long time, ask the other ACE's on their homepage, someone will notice and lend a helping hand
As a fledgling member of the community, the Newcomers Page is a good starting point, containing useful info etc.
this is found at . I look forward to reading your entries, and I will pop back again to see how you are doing
BCNU - Crescent
Welcome pleBa...
pleBa Posted Feb 23, 2000
Hi there Crescent, and thanks for the warm and, relatively speaking, immediate welcome to the Guide. I can't tell you how effusingly exciting this is for me. The Guide in this form just makes SO MUCH SENSE and my only sad thought is regarding all the time I've been alive and unaware of it - me, a Guide (in book form) junkie for nigh on ten years now!
And now I have a question for you. Does *everything* I write get read by someone higher up than me? By everything I mean Guide Entries, Journal Entries and Forum Entries. It doesn't bother me either way, I'm just curious. I understand that there are standards that people are asked to adhere to (i.e. be nice to others and no spitting), so that leads me to believe that everything *must* be read by someone with the power to veto. But does that mean even the 42nd entry in a Forum thread exclusively between two people that has long since lost any meaning to well-intentioned onlookers is scrutinised by a near-suicidal Ace or somesuch? I ask merely for information.
Thanks again for your offers of assistance. You'll probably come to regret it later - me, brain the size of a planet, endless questions, etc...
- pleBa.
Welcome pleBa...
Crescent Posted Feb 23, 2000
I think this Sol III Edition has been going for less than a year (so you havn't missed that much I have been here for about 7 months, and I got here from '/.' which is speedy on such news
Any guide entry you write, and submit will be vetted by a sub editor. It is then checked by an editor, after this it is either accepted as a 'Approved Guide Entry' or you are informed why it is not suitable. This is the only thing that will be definatly be checked by TPTB All other entries are left to their own devices. However, if someone finds it offensive, and complains, then TPTB will scrutanise it carefully, possibly talk to you etc. and then decide whether it is offensive or not
Hope this helps, and I will try and patiently answer all your questions
BCNU - Crescent
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Welcome pleBa...
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."