This is the Message Centre for Bothenhampton

Bother Hampton!

Post 1

el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums

Well-well, Bothenhampton! I live not a mangle-wurzle's throw from there, yon side of Burton Bradstock and just off the coast road.

el D smiley - smiley

Bother Hampton!

Post 2


Hello el D. Sorry I haven't got back to you sooner - I've been on my hols in Spain and then didn't look on h2g2 for a week or so.

I actually live 200 miles away near Bedford, but my family come fom Bridport originally and my paternal great grandfather was born in the house next to what was the George Inn in 'Baunton' as locals used to call it. Then, when my mum and dad retired, they moved down to Bothenhampton and lived there till they died about 6 years ago.

I take it you must live along the coast road near Hive beach? Or are you further along, getting into the great metropolis of Swyre? Or even further near that major seaside attraction that is Cogden beach?

We visit Darzet each year at the end of July for our regular camping week at St Gabriels, on the NT campfield the other side of Golden Cap. You're welcome to join us - but I'll warn you, our gathering reaches 25 people on occasion, being all of us Follett's gathering from all over the country

Bother Hampton!

Post 3

el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums

We'm about as far as you could throw a Dorset 'orn from Swyre, next village up the Bride Valley in fact.

Follets eh? Good Bridport name.

Hope you had a good time in sunny España, where did you go?

smiley - smiley

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