Journal Entries

Getting to the Top!

Don't ask me why, but I found myself in York today and decided to wander around the Cathedral. Having lost 47lbs in only five weeks has made me feel full of beans, so what better way to test one's fitness than to climb the 275 spiral staircase steps of the central tower of York Minster.

I did it! It took five minutes for the power of speech to return (be fair, I still weigh over 22 stones), but I did it! And I now have a Certificate to prove it!

I must need certifying....

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Latest reply: May 21, 2003

Random Orbital Sander

Today I got the latest, finest addition to my collection of tools - the Random Orbital Sander.

I find it is labelled "Excentric Sander" (sic). A special gift to me spoilt by poor spelling.

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Latest reply: Apr 8, 2003


I have got to share this one with you.

Amongst all my other troubles I have a minor problem with Tinnitus, which manifests itself as a background singing in my ears. Most times I am blissfully unaware of it, and I like to think of the noise as being reminiscent of the Cicidas which form the audio backdrop in many of my favourite hot places in the Mediterranean.

So more often than not, I find the white noise a pleasant sound in my head, rather than an irritant - (okay, I confess the idea of a chorus of cicidas in Wigan is a little bizarre) - but putting a pleasant spin on things helps me to deal with them.

So I live quite happily with my cicidas in my head, and what I don't quite catch people saying I can make up. It is a pleasant work-around that causes no bother. Usually.

Today I have the news of the Iraq debacle on the radio in the background. One reporter was commentating from his posting with the 16th Aerosol Division of the Paratroop Regiment. Huh? Surely they don't have people in the British Army with aerosols? For what purpose? Nip into Baghdad and graffiti nasty slogans about Saddam? Or maybe we have chameleon-like camouflage updated overnight for the concealment and protection of our armoured assault vehicles. Surely not a Division armed with aerosols that contain nasty nerve gases or biological contaminants. Or maybe a division of deodorisers, so that the enemy cannot smell our troops as they creep up on them in the sterile desert..

So for almost an hour I was speculating about who these people were, what they did, and why we had never heard of them before.


Right up to the point I did the double-take and realised that I should have heard "16th Air Assault Division".


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Latest reply: Mar 21, 2003

A New Lease of Life

On Saturday 15th April 2000 a very helpful man inflated a small balloon to a pressure of 20 atmospheres inside the main artery supplying my heart with oxygen.

Blood flow to the heart muscle increased from 5% to 100% of that normally expected.

In one morning I have been snatched back from near-death to normality.

I feel bloody great, and have written a thankyou at

Drop by for a chat if you like!

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Latest reply: Apr 21, 2000

That'll be the Daewoo

So I signed the contract for a new Daewoo, agreed a modest trade-in for my present car and paid the deposit.

The only other remaining worries were whether I could avoid any calamities with my present car up to the time the new vehicle is delivered (which would screw up the trade-in) and whether I can persuade my wife that I've not just been a complete clot (which would screw up the rest of my life).

All went unexpectedly well with the missus. But then the man from the car dealership phoned to tell me that he had inadvertently offered too generous a price for my car and that I'd have to pay more. A lot more - otherwise he couldn't supply the new motor, and the deal was off.

Stress City Arizona !

24 hours of fretting fuming and faxing later, they have now agreed to let our contract stand.

A pleasurable buying experience?

That'll be the Daewoo !

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Latest reply: Mar 31, 2000

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