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THAT thread...

Post 1


Congratulations on having your "rioting Islamists" post pulled. I thought it was very funny; a perfect antidote to the rabid and vitriolic hysteria that preceded it.

Thanks, Steve, and welcome to the Modded Club!


THAT thread...

Post 2

Organoleptic Icon

Hi Dee (hi, ho Dee...)

I am a well established member of the modded club - approaching Gold status!

Thanks for the kind words.smiley - run


THAT thread...

Post 3


Oh dear, Scibbler - what if Gold Status means you get kicked out of Food-Board-Land??
I'd miss your purposefully-insulting-and-offensive jokes! smiley - biggrin

Soo.... Who's got that forbidden joke then? (There's too much hype now, it's bound to disapoint!)

THAT thread...

Post 4

Organoleptic Icon

Apparently something to do with tramps eating vomit.


THAT thread...

Post 5


I've read it now, Scibbler. As I commented on the other thread, I really find it surprising that people object to the fact that it was 'disgusting' more than the fact that it could be offensive to homeless people. Hmmm.

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