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how's life
Seagull's Lost Horizon Started conversation Oct 13, 2000
are you a menber of ZZ9, I wrote an entry on it and have started a list of ZZ9ers on H2G2,
so how is life?
how's life
TIMELORD Posted Oct 18, 2000
Hi there only just spoted this sorry no i am not a member of any group at the moment i was for a short time a member of the doctor who fan club but was not happy with them so i cancelled it.
how's life
Seagull's Lost Horizon Posted Oct 19, 2000
yeah I was a member of th doctor who appreciation socity, for a while but stopped, I used to buy the magizine aswell and there didn't seem much point in having both, I can't remember much about it, I'm thinking about joining again but who knows, i also had a 1 issue trial of ther blakes seven one, can't remember much about that either!
how's life
TIMELORD Posted Oct 19, 2000
A friend of mine had most of the blake's 7 monthly mags but lost the in a fire when we interviewed paul darrow he said they were going for about £200 each in the USA.
how's life
Seagull's Lost Horizon Posted Oct 29, 2000
Thats gotta hurt, it one thing that frightens me, losing everything inj a fire , but as long as the people you care about are OK thats all that matters,
I tend to keep a lot of stuff, mostly in my parents attic, which is fine untill they realise
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how's life
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