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Post 1


In 1975 the BBC (with the help of terry nation)ended civilisation as we no it not with a bang but with a smash.
The smash in question was a test-tube shown only in the in the credits as a man walks out the door he gets into a car he goes to the airport his passport his stamped Mockba he walks of the plane and falls to the floor back to a passport being staped Berlin,Singapore,New york,Montreal,Roma,Madrid,Orly and finally London.
And that was just the opening credits!
Survivors was not however about surviving the plague but more about surviving after surviving the plague.
A small group of survivors meet up after the first few episodes jenny richards,abby grant and greg preston.
Jenny as been alone for weeks after fleeing London she is scared of being alone.
Greg was looking for civilisation to try and rebuild.
Abby was looking for her son peter.
So that was the start in the first season they wondered around looking for peter they had plenty of everything they needed but how long would it last a teacher at peters school said how much do you know and how much have you just taken for granted what happens when you have used the last candle broken the last spade do you know how to make anything from scratch dig up the ore smelt it build a house replace a window.when all the shop are empty what do you do.
This was the problem for the second season for at the moment they were only looking for peter in there search they met tom price a welsh tramp who joins them latter.
In the episode corn dolly they go to white cross** were they meet charles vaughan a friendly man who want to repopulate the world by getting all the young women pregnant.
**White cross is the name of there fan club
In garlands war abby meets jimmy garland a well traveled man who owns a manor house and land but a group as taken over he fights alone to regain the house and become lord of the manor.
Then the show changes abby gives up trying to find peter and they settle down to farm they take over a large house find two kids(john and lizzy)but this was not the good life it was much darker with little to do but work to survive people would kill for a tank of petrol(gas)food or over a woman with people falling like flys it's a wonder anyone was left but tom price came and many more joined them they even found ruth a medical student who told of a group of boys she had met led by peter grant,so abby goes to find him*never to be seen again.
*Terry nation wrote a book called survivors that deals with abby looking for peter.
Season two see them decimated by a fire in the middle of winter they go back to charles at white cross farm he is now with only one woman pet jenny by this time his expecting gregs baby.
After the birth jenny falls ill ruth needs drugs but the only place to get them is the city with all the dead bodys disease is the main problem paul(ruths man)goes into town and gets what they need but falls ill on the way back.
The show changed again when a hot air balloon lands greg goes to norway were they need food but have elctricicty.
Season three is back to the road greg as returned to England but not to white cross so charles goes to find him with greg and charles missing each other they never meet up.
survivors was a look at what could happen if 99% of mankind die it was a depressing look into the possible future it asked only one question but it asked it to everyone and asked it well the question was HOW WOULD YOU SURVIVE.


Post 2


You should try and convert this into an article. If I can get Sapphire and Steel approved this should be a doddle. Maybe point out differences in Terry Nations view to how it turned out, what happens in the book, the whole depressing britishness of it (it ain't The Stand). The same can probably be said for B7 as well.

P.S. is it just me or is Farscape B7 with muppets?


Post 3


I would hate to give away the ending of the book i might try and convert it into something its just i allways think it should be better.


Post 4


Would you like me to convert this into an article for the Post then?
If so, do you know if there are any pics of the show hanging about online?
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye


Post 5


That would be great i am not sure if there are any photes but you could try and i do no that they have a few downloads.
p.s. if there is any thing you would like me to write about look at my A to Z i have info on all the shows there.


Post 6


I will smiley - smiley Thanx for the offer!
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye


Post 7


Do not think twice about it just ask i don't mind i have the info i might as well try and use the old grey matter now and then.
I am trying to write a piece on time travel but it just does not seem right at the moment i think i have tryed to get to much into it without putting anything interesting there to back it up to many shows not enough info on any of them.
Oh i don't know what im trying to say it just is not right yet.


Post 8


Hi, I had a quick look at your time travel entry and left some thoughts. Hope they help.


Post 9


Have now started the colin baker interview on

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