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my a to z of sci-fi
TIMELORD Started conversation Apr 28, 2000
This is just some of the sci-fi shows i have seen!!!(i do not claim i have seen every episode but i have seen all of some most of some and a very few of some i make no claim i liked them all some were great shows others were less so)
(A) Is for ace of wands/adam adamant lives the adventures of brisco county,jr/alf/alien nation/the amazing spiderman/astronauts/automan/and the avengers.
(B) Is for babylon 5/batman/battlestar galactica/beyond westworld/the bionic woman/BLAKE'S 7/and buck rogers in the 25 century
(C) Is for catweazle/the chapions/and children of the stone
(D) Is for dark skys/day of the triffids/DOCTOR WHO/and doomwatch
(E) Is for earth 2
(f) Is for the fantastic journey/first born/and the flash
(g) Is for galactica 80/the gemini man/get smart/goodnight sweatheart/and the greatest american hero
(I) Is for the incredible hulk/into the labyinth/the invaders/the invisible man/and the invisible man*
(J) Is for jason of star command/and journey to the unknown
(K) Is for kolchak the night stalker
(L) Is for land of the giants/logans run/and lost in space
(M) Is for man from atlantis/the man from uncle/manimal/the martian chronicles/max headroom/and mork and mindy
(N) Is for night gallery
(O) Is for otherworld/and the outer limits
(P) Is for planet of the apes/prisoner/and project ufo
(Q) Is for quantum leap/and quatermass
(R) Is for the ray bradbury theater/red dwarf/the return of captain nemo/and robo cop
(S) Is for salvage 1/sapphire and steel/seaquest dsv/the secret world of alex max/the six million dollar man/sky/sliders/small wonder/space above and beyond/space 1999/star cops/star trek(all shows)/stark/starman/steven spielberg,s amazing stories/the strangerers/and SURVIVORS
(T) Is for tek war/thunderbirds/time express/time trax/the time tunnel/timeslip/the tomorrow people/the tripods/and the twilight zone
(U) Is for ufo
(V) Is for v/voyage to the bottom of the sea/and vr 5
(W) Is for war of the worlds/and wonder woman
(x) Is for x-files
(Y) Is for yellowbacks**
(Z) Is for z is for zachariah **
*There was more then one show with the same name
** ok so i have not seen this as such but i got so far then could not find the last 2
my a to z of sci-fi
Lightweaver Posted May 4, 2000
Now THAT's a history of Sci-fi...
Although I am a real sci-fi addict myself, I could not have thought of
so many shows and movies...
Nevertheless I know about half of them... perhaps more since
I don't know all the original titles...
But another question remains... what did you think of those shows?
Is there anything you didn't like?
my a to z of sci-fi
TIMELORD Posted May 4, 2000
i liked most of them(they are all tv shows)even jason of star comand which is so bad you have to see it its like watching plan 9 from outer space you think it can't be as bad as they say then you watch it and its plain to see it is.
A few stand out as great blakes 7,babylon 5,and survivors,
Theres a few i remember watching but not much about such as doomwatch, timeslip sky and ace of wands all of which i think were great shows but was so long ago i might be wrong.
But most of the shows were just ok buck rogers the six million dollar man battlestar galactica all had good episodes but were not great shows.
Theres to many shows to say all the ones i liked but this will give you a idea
As for films... well thats another story
my a to z of sci-fi
Seagull's Lost Horizon Posted May 24, 2000
have to say I love sci/fi, I was looking for as film to watch the other day, and realised that most were sci/fi.
Love blakes 7, I heard they were bringging it back, and I think there are two radio plays, have you heard them?.
my a to z of sci-fi
TIMELORD Posted May 24, 2000
I have heared one of the plays but not the other as i have said somewere on here i was interviewing paul darrow in the 1980's and he said they were on about bringing it back then,i will only belive it when i see it,but darrow now owns the rights to bring it back.
Have you read the interview on the bottom of my homepage.
I was working on the colin baker interview when i broke the arm but had to stoped typing it as i could not rest the arm i might try and do it this week.
my a to z of sci-fi
Seagull's Lost Horizon Posted May 25, 2000
I'l get rount to reading the interview, what is the radio play like.
I first watched blakes 7 on uk gold but now its on bbc2 I've started to tape them.
my a to z of sci-fi
TIMELORD Posted Jun 4, 2000
I have just done a second quiz this time there will be a small prize so good luck.
my a to z of sci-fi
T. Earl Grey Posted Sep 12, 2000
Wow, Timelord! Looks like you've spent as much time in front of the ol' tube as I have! But I wouldn't trade those hours for all the fresh air in the world.
Well, maybe the "Jason of Star Command" hours.
T. Earl Grey
my a to z of sci-fi
TIMELORD Posted Sep 14, 2000
I hate to think just how many hours i have sat and watch tv,thats just the sci-fi shows theres films as well and most of the shows i have seen more than once.
I try to watch blakes'7 at leased once a year.I have just seen some of the timeslips on vidio(last watched them in 1970 i was 5 but still remember some of it)and watch a lot on the sci-fi channle over and over again.
I also have info on all of the shows how many episodes and when they were first shown plus many episode guides for the shows,i have done the odd piece for h2g2 with the help of shazz (and i need help) we did one on blakes'7 and one on survivors would write more if people ask me.
my a to z of sci-fi
Seagull's Lost Horizon Posted Oct 29, 2000
personally I can't get enough information, I'm reading a book of the doctor who cronology, I'd love to have the episoed guides for a lot of stuff but I just never seem to get round to some things
my a to z of sci-fi
TIMELORD Posted Nov 29, 2002
This as just returned after the take over by the BBC
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my a to z of sci-fi
- 1: TIMELORD (Apr 28, 2000)
- 2: Lightweaver (May 4, 2000)
- 3: TIMELORD (May 4, 2000)
- 4: Seagull's Lost Horizon (May 24, 2000)
- 5: TIMELORD (May 24, 2000)
- 6: Seagull's Lost Horizon (May 25, 2000)
- 7: TIMELORD (Jun 4, 2000)
- 8: T. Earl Grey (Sep 12, 2000)
- 9: TIMELORD (Sep 14, 2000)
- 10: Munchkin (Oct 25, 2000)
- 11: Seagull's Lost Horizon (Oct 29, 2000)
- 12: TIMELORD (Nov 29, 2002)
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