This is the Message Centre for TIMELORD


Post 1

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Hello smiley - smiley I saw you were feeling lonely at the ACE homepage at thought I'd drop by. I don't know if you've seen any of these places, but here are a few additional links we hand out to new researchers:

The Newcomers Welcome Page:
The POST (h2g2's researcher newspaper):
The GuideML Clinic:

Hope you are enjoying the guide!


Post 2


hi frink thanks for the links i will try them out nice to hear a friendly voice (any voice after the other night HE HE )is there any way to e mail messages as to work off line i would like to send in one of the interviews we did but its a bit long im a slow typer


Post 3

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

"is there any way to e mail messages as to work off line i would like to send in one of the interviews we did"

Er......I'm not sure I get your drift. What are you trying to ask?


Post 4


Found yousmiley - winkeye
You seem like such an interesting fellow...why not tell us more about yourself?!?
I'll show you my tatoos if you'll show me yours smiley - bigeyes


Post 5


Hi don't have a tatoo it was just one i read on someone else if theres anything you would like to know about me just ask if theres any sci-fi programes you would like info on*let me know or if you just want a chat that fine as well i love to chat.

*see my A to Z of sci-fi i have info on them all and many more.


Post 6


I'm totally gone for the X Files!!! I've found a web site for it!
From what Gweenie has said I take it that it hasn't been on very many seasons-or I mis-read her. X is in re-runs here. Can't wait 'til they start the new season...well yes I can as that means the cold will return! I've been in the pool enough to prove I have Cherokee blood!

And I was wondering about the dogs on the space station???


Post 7


How did i miss this for a week the x-files is on bbc and sky(cable) over here the bbc are a few years behind but sky are just a few month behind i like the x-files but think that it has lost something in the last two years the odd episode is great but only a few per year.
I also liked the night stalker which was the show that inspired it.
Then again i like most shows like that psi factor is good aswell.


Post 8


I love "wierdo" movies!!! I like to turn out all the lights-light a
candle & snuggle into the lazyboy recliner for a good (hopefully) scare...although it's becoming harder to find a good one-one that sends chills down the old spine!!! I didn't know the X Files was inspired by Night Stalker...another FAV!!! Do you get Tales from the Crypt there? It's like the X Files-in that at 1st it was really you're lucky to find one that dosen't bite! They need some new writers! I always volunteer to write for a show when I e-mail a comment! My good friend's sister-in-law writes for Touched By An Angle...which Gweenie tells me you don't get was #1 here for a long time! I'm hoping 'Rosie', the writer/producer for 'Angel'
will be able to get a screen play read that I'm working on! Are you interested in writting a book?!? (or several?)


Post 9


I would love to write a book but i can never get the words on paper i told a story to my nice when she was about 5 that would make a great disney film but for the last 15 years i have never got past the first few lines and then i never liked the way i had wrote them.
the best to things i have ever wrote were a poem about football and something for TIMELORD(the mag)which never got printed (the only copy was in a small fire with a lot of pictures and every episode of blake's 7 monthly which is now worth a lot of money)
i think at some point we may have been cursed what with the fire someone nicked the computers we were working on(with almost a full mag on the hard drive and no back ups)
We interviewed nicola bryant returned to the workshop put the tape down then went for a quick coffee when we got back the tape had been wiped(they only had two master tapes for the tape deck so we should have made a master tape on cassette as sone as we got back then wiped it ready for the next time someone thought he was doing us a favour wipeing it with his)
We traveled 30 miles to interview nabil shaban(sil in doctor who)the day that he crashed is car.
We went to manchester to interview jon pertwee the day he fell ill(how ever we did interview daved banks that day)
We also lost a lot of stuff when trever was broken into at is flat they took is cameras and then recked the rest of the flat he lost a lot of the story and a few over things when he went to a bon fire near a electric cable with the computer disk in is pocket it wiped the disc.
that was just a few things that happend


Post 10


Oooo-so sorry to hear all that-plus whatever you've left out! I always say that some people have 'one of those days'...but I have 'one of those lives'! Sounds like I'm not the only one!!! I've had a few stories published & like you, I've told children tales that would go over well on TV or the movies. I've written several children's stories & one day plan to make a series of books. Hope you'll do the same! You could always work with someone...I think it all might be easier with a bit of help anyway! Good luck to you thensmiley - winkeye


Post 11


when you look at them like that it seems a lot but it was over a few years and the time that it happend didn't seem that bad we did after all meet a few stars of doctor who and blake's 7 ok so we never made any money(it cost us a lot)but we did enjoy it.
As for the story i would love to just tell some one the out line and have them write it it started ok fell away a little in the middle but had a great ending.


Post 12


If you would like to read the poem it on


Post 13


TIMELORD, I did try to find your peom...kept reading & reading, then I
fell asleep! After downloading something? in my sleep a few weeks ago, I now get far away from Mac when I start falling asleep!!! smiley - tongueout
But I will go back & look for it another time. I feel as though I'm snooping into other people's business when I read conversations that I'm not part of! And you never did tell me what the interesting tatoo you mentioned read...? You know we Pandora's are the curious type...although-I'm NOT curious to EVER open a box or anything that wasn't my business! I'm a bit different from my name-sake, in that way! Hope you have a good day! I plan to go into our woods...I bought this land in '96 & still have yet to see it all! I started out this Spring to have a walkabout. However, that ended as I lay on the ground, full of prickers, with my-at that time, roomie saying,"Oh yeah, watch out for that hole! Sorry, I meant to tell ya'." smiley - winkeye


Post 14


Are you sure you was not reading the poem it could have been that that made you fall a sleep.
I don't mind you reading anything that i have said to anyone on here I can't speek for anyone else but i know when i write things that anyone can read them i don't mind.


Post 15


Yes...I'm sure your poem didn't put me to stinker! smiley - tongueout
And thanks for the okay to read all...that's why I never tell anyone where I spend my puter time!!! smiley - winkeye

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