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litchick Started conversation Jun 5, 2003
Hi Timelord
I am a little confused by the mesage on my page - you mention me being online on the H2G2. I am throughly mystified as to what that is!! Hope you can enlighten me (also hope it is not horribly obvious!). will try and make time to get to that link you mentioned soon. Have to go to meeting now though (boo hoo!). Hope you can let me know about this place I appear without knowing about it!
TIMELORD Posted Jun 10, 2003
H2G2 is part of the BBC site its an online community after that its a little hard to explain.Its a very big site with just about anything you can think about chatting about somewhere,from Buffy to the death penalty theres a site newspaper called THE POST(which i sometime write for) a smiley page which is well worth a look (click on the smiley)
it would take me all day to tell you the rest.
H2G2 stands for Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy as in the book by the late Douglas Adams U/42 it was meant to be a kind of online think tank with 1000's of people writing about what they like i have wrote about things like Blake's 7 and Doctor who other write about there home town or where the best pint can be found as you can imagine with 1000's of researchers it soon adds up to a very big site.
If you feel you would like to know more then you can take the guided tour
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."