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Post 1

Researcher 226519

Re: Who Review on BBC Radio:Tuesdays @ 3.30pm (During the `Afternoon Stretch`)

In this 40th Anniversary Year I am proud to bring back `The Who Review` in its new format and time slot.

The programme built up a large listenership on cable in it`s once a month evening slot and now fits into the Tuesday afternoon magazine programme in five minute (or so) weekly batches.

Expect the soundbites, the interviews, the reports, the audio reviews and all the stuff.

If you would like a copy of `The Who Review` simply send a MiniDisc or cassette and I will send it back with the appropriate programme free of charge. I`m afraid because of time constraints I cannot copy to CDR. Don`t forget to state which date you would like a copy of. Mark your envelope `Who Review; FAO Tim Moon` then the usual BCB address.

Coming up. On the 29th April we talk to a man who runs a Who website for trading memorabilia. It`s Malarky from Panopticon. Also we review the new BBC video of `Meglos` with Tom Baker as the Doctor and a cactus. As May comes upon us the 6th sees us talking to a bunch of people who went on holiday with Who stars. Wow!! We also review the Big Finish sixth Doctor audio `Doctor Who and the Pirates` which acts as a prelude for the next show...

Back in our cable days we talked to many Who stars so we repeat them for the 96.7 listeners starting on 13th May we have the sixth Doctor, Colin Baker as well as a review of the DVD of`The Talons of Weng-Chiang`. Then on the 20th Fraser Hines, 27th Richard Franklin, 3rd June Sophie Aldred and 10th June Nick Courtney

See you soon, and don`t let your fluid links run dry....

Tim Moon


Post 2


Have you seen the David Banks and Sylvester Mc coy interviews?

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