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Kat-erwaul Started conversation Mar 20, 2003
You really are a friendly bunch... I only see this at work on Tues/Thurs if I have excessive amounts of boredom driven slacking time... Nice to be greeted as a newcomer to h2g2...
Like the nickname...I was a big fan of HGTTG since my Dad 1st switched on the radio series...then I had to read all of the books too... love Star Trek, was scared stupid by Dr Who in the 70's...always fascinated by anything sci-fi especially where time is brought into the distorted dramatic equation... preferably with surreal and/or comic consequences... Not a 'fan' but watch all things sci-fi eg Farscape recently, whenever I'm not too busy to watch... too busy living to watch TV most of the time.
Love the idea of this whole site... will be a regular partaker... as long as I have access to a PC with the net...
Originally was searching for stuff about health to help me out with diabetes... came across this by accident... happily...
Happy e-time travelling.. K
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."