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Alpha5 Started conversation Oct 29, 2002
Hello Mr Timelord, I am also a time traveler although I am more of an explorer. Im in the 20th centuary to take some reserch, just hope I dont get traped like ford prefect. I enjoy sci fi too, did you see farscape yesterday? (spoiler alert) Im just wondering how scorpious survived. You got any theroys? And what is your faveriote out of these
Star Trek
TIMELORD Posted Oct 30, 2002
I must admit farscape is not a show i watch on a regular basis i do watch all of the others and the odd farscape now and then.
I think Blake's 7 is the best show ever made but from the list you made i would have to say its close between star gate and star trek.
One last little thing we are now in the 21st centuary and have been for a couple of years now.
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