This is the Message Centre for TIMELORD
Terran Started conversation Aug 23, 2002
how are things? I've just started, and was wondering if you have any handy hints and tips on what to do in here.
TIMELORD Posted Aug 24, 2002
well what you do here is mostly up to you if you feel like a chat with others just join in any of the conversations you come accross.
Were if you feel like writing an artical for the guide then you can do that.
I can point out a few place you should drop by like which is the sites newspaper a very good read you might notice a regular called
Ormondroyd who i think you might like he's a big football fan and runs The Virtual Supporters' Club
If there is anything else i can help with let me know!!!!!!
Terran Posted May 8, 2003
Hmm... how did that boom get in here?
Anyway, I'm just going through my back log of conversations, and have just realised I was terribly rude in not getting back to you, though perhaps thats a bit of understatement, given how long ago I posted that message (and that I've changed my name since )
Oh and I took you advice . I've got number 18 shirt in Ormondroyd's Virtual Supporters Club. And I now write a story called the 168th Greatest Story in the Universe in <./>thePost</.>.
Just thanking you really, for helping me get started. So , I take it your a fellow Doctor Who fan
Vercingetorix (formerly Terran
TIMELORD Posted May 14, 2003
You could say i like doctor who yes i worked on a fanzine back in the 80's called TIMELORD we interviewed quite a few of the cast.
I never thought you rude for not repling its quit easy to forget on a site this big i am pleased you found my advice helpful.
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