This is the Message Centre for TIMELORD

Hola Timelord!..

Post 1

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

*sweeping in*

I keep bumping into you all over the place checking newcomers!smiley - cdouble

Ever thought of becoming an ACE yourself? You can read more about it here: <./>Aces-Why</.>

Not that it would stop me from bumping into you at new user pages!smiley - biggrin

Hola Timelord!..

Post 2


The subject of me becoming an A.C.E.s as come up from time to time but I have never realy wanted to be an A.C.E.s i don't quite have the knowhow with computers and the codes besides at the moment it just a hobby if i become an A.C.E.s it would be a job.

Hola Timelord!..

Post 3

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

Hmmmm - what about becoming a non-official h2g2 Guardian smiley - angel?


Hola Timelord!..

Post 4


I know all your secrets NR! You'd make an excellent unofficial buddy for newbies like me!!!!!! Always hiding your light you are!

hugs MELB

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