This is the Message Centre for hastur

Welcome to H2G2

Post 1


Welcome to H2G2! I'm an ACE - Assistant Community Editor. If you have any questions about H2G2, feel free to ask me.
You might find these links useful:
The ACE's home - - links to interesting bits and bobs, designed for newcomers;
The Newcomer's forum - - Find other new researchers, and various helpful people (hopefully)
Don't hesitate to start chatting in various different forums, it's an excellent way to get to know the other researchers. A good start for this would be the Forum & Firkin at or the Aroma Café at
When you're ready, you might like to write your own Guide Entries. These can be of any subject whatsoever which interests you. A good subject to start with is about where you live.
There are plenty of helpful comments and helpful people about if you get stuck. If you run into problems, don't panic - click the Don't Panic! button in the goo at the top of the screen. And finally, remember that the front page of H2G2 (access it by clicking on the H2G2 logo in the top left of the screen) is updated with interesting new entries every day.
Hope to see you around!

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