This is the Message Centre for zaismas

No Subject

Post 1

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(

This is an unofficial welcome to h2g2, but an ACE will be along shortly to give you an official one.
In case you're wondering what I'm doing here instead...I have made it a mission of mine to beat the Meeting and Greeting ACEs to the newbies. It gives them a harder time trying to find you guys, but its fun for me!
smiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl

*waves casually to the ACE who will no doubt be reading this*

If you need help getting around, they'll give you some good tips - you'll get the hang of this place quickly enough!
If you're interested in joining up with a couple of things, check my personal space (I put everything on there - its the only way I can keep track of what I'm doing!smiley - erm)
smiley - cheers
PS: Keep your towel handy! smiley - towel

No Subject

Post 2

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(

By the way...sorry about the lack of was supposed to be Hi!smiley - cool

Re: Hi!

Post 3


Thanks for the welcome! smiley - smiley

Re: Hi!

Post 4

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(

No problem! So how are you settling in so far? Are you finding your way around easily enough? I see the ACE finally got to you!

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