This is the Message Centre for Researcher 110207 Non Sequitur

Hi ya

Post 1


hi there,
Great home page for conversation.
The whole miscellaneous word think (something tells me I have the wrong word here, never mind). The most obvious one's gotta be love aint it? Very difficult to say this to a bloke in a friendly manner and not have them take it the wrong way. (Don't ask bad topic at the mo.)

As for the whole annoying things shoppers do, working in a supermarket where would you like me to start?
-Walking out in front of you with their trolleys when your in a rush trying to get something for another customer AND THEN walking extremely slowly.
-using the 10 items or less till for 20 items (can u people not read!?)
-Complaining that our competitor sells it cheaper....go shop there then!!

I'm in quite a good mood at the moment so I'll check back in next time i've had an exceptionally bad day at work and ram it down your throat.
I promise you I am normally a lovely girl, bloke problems I'm afraid.

Hi ya

Post 2

Researcher 110207 Non Sequitur

Thanks! This is the sort of thing I'm looking for.
Most of my employment has been in retail or
restaurant; you know, places where SOME
people think they own the place and act like
spoiled brats without seeming to realise it might
be considered bad manners....

One way to handle this which really annoys
some customers is to be very nice and
considerate and pretend you don't know they
are acting so selfish. Although some of them
will actually apologise, I imagine some others
get REALLY angry, because it's much harder to
argue with a nice employee!

Hi ya

Post 3

Researcher 110207 Non Sequitur

I know a man who works in the shoe department of a department store. Sometimes he will get a customer who greatly annoys him, asking him for many shoes from the stockroom, and he knows from experience that she (it usually is a woman of a certain age group) will probably not buy any of them. When he comes back from the stockroom and she asks for more, he sometimes will tell her that they don't have any left in her size. (Sometimes this happens to be true, as he of course knows what they have left in stock.) This sometimes has to be repeated several times before she leaves, or at least leaves him alone!

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