Journal Entries
How to survive in Sweden
Posted Jan 28, 2000
For all exchangestudents, immigrants and people who just consider to vistit the country of sweden.
Sweden is a beautiful country with feilds, forrests and lakes. We've also got one of Europes oldest mountains.
Anyway this is not really useful to know.
The capital of Sweden is Stockholm and it's almost in the middle of sweden looking towards Finland. The inhabitants of Stockholm is not known in Sweden to be friendly, more persons that braces the law of Jante (wich means: you shall not think you are better than me, you shall not think you know anything and you shall ceartainly not think that you are best at anythin. Even if the person has 3 worldrecords.
The next biggest city is Göteborg-Gothenburg. And is in the southvest part. This is a very nice place with very nice people. It is called the front side of sweden. Still Stockholm is beautiful so it's worth visit. But the main time you as a turist should spend in Gothenburg.
anyway. To survive vithout getting hated by all the Swedes you shall conider some things. The law of Jante that i mentioned before is very important. Never think you are better than someone, cause this is not good for the health. An other thing is that we've got a strange word that is very hard to explain, but is very good to use in Sweden where the Law of Jante rules. LAGOM is not much, but not little. It's somewhere in between. it's not Good or bad. Same here, something in between. If you, as a foreigner understand this (mos likley not) be glad to use it and impress every Swede around.
Alcohol is a big point in the way to meet people. For all ages, even since the vikings discovered America witch they called Vinland (vine country). they liked this country cause there is where vineplants. The Swedes are known all over the world of not being good of dealing with alcohol. Everthing is true. Not for everyone but for about 70% of the inhibitants. To be a part of a normal friendship, it's not very likley that you can tell your friends that you are a sober person. If you can drink much, you're a cool person (under 30 years that is).
If you consider this things, you will enjoy your stay in sweden.
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Latest reply: Jan 28, 2000
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