Journal Entries


Do you ever find yourself watching the clock when you're having fun?
And then you might as well leave sooner
-or not watching the clock and then all of a sudden you have to go?
That feeling that you get? That is probably what this quote stems from

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Latest reply: Jul 6, 2000


How come nobody ever told me I misspelled incorporate?
Oh well

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Latest reply: Jun 17, 2000

Punkrocker Ernie was...

When I first got into a relationship with my boyfriend he had a roommate that just left & all her stuff (& no part of the rent in an unconspicuous envelope on a table, either!). And among the many abandoned stuffed animals in her old closet there was a cheap type of an Ernie doll - like the kind you won at a $10 game of darts at the carnival last year.
He seemed to be wearing Rustler type jeans (I always wear those) rolled up, and Chuck Taylor's Allstars. And, of course, his long-sleeved striped shirt. My boyfriend put a straightpin through his nose that had a heart on the end, and as his hair was quite long for an Ernie, he cut off the sides & molded the center into a mow-hawk. Then he gave it to me as a gift. Later, I painted it red & purple &
put it on the dash in my car.
One evening, we went to go visit some friends in a new apartment and I left my car window down some ( I never did this!).
When I came back out, he was gone. Either stolen, or unhappy (most punks are) and left on his own.
That was almost four years ago, and I still miss him.

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Latest reply: Feb 27, 2000

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P'hul -that just turns over heads up pennies that she finds

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