This is the Message Centre for Mordek93

Hello TVF

Post 21

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Well, it's too bad you feel that way - there are plenty of non-youngsters here.........but of course we wish you well in your future nordic linear thoughts. Say hi if you change your mind and come back.....



Post 22

J Murphy

Hello Mordek..

I hope with all I can that you read this and respond. Despite being stodgy in 20 years of WEstern Thought, I would welcome the challenge, any challenfge you may pose about thinking outside the lines.

I also think that you having conversed with the earth itself, you must believe tht patience is a virtue that has few parallells. I wish you would consider redturning and being patient with those that are here including myself. That way, you can begin the process of breaking us from the yoke of linear thought.

Without the help of people outside the lines we forget the lines are there to be walked around.

Love is the law... And will is the driver of fate.

J Murphy

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