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Greetings RokitMan

Post 1


Hi there... ~Grin~... and no me hasn't fallen asleep yet... shame on you thinking me would...

So how are you liking h2g2... me really hopes that you are... it's a nice place... full of friendly people... sorry that me didn't greet you sooner... no excuse... ~Greebo frowns~... but me is here now... and me hopes that you forgive me...

Greetings RokitMan

Post 2


Hi!, and thanks for the welcome (yes I forgive you smiley - winkeye); sorry I've taken so long to reply but I only visit the site about once per week....
Yep, I like H2G2 a lot, the humour is excellent and although my Time Machine entry is still on the drawing board, I'm afraid it is still a bit Douglas Adams-ish in style, despite the submission guidelines saying not to do that... however, if you check out my Kitchen and Bathroom entry, that's like that too (perhaps that's why it hasn't been Approved....?)

Greetings RokitMan

Post 3


Submissions take a long time me has noticed... but at least moving out and about h2g2 gives you something to do whilst waiting... ~grin~

Me likes you... you know... hope you don't mind...

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