This is the Message Centre for hti6bc

Some ACEly assistance ...

Post 1

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

Lost password?? Try this page at <./>A570403</.> or <./>A3081898</.>

Or, if you email h2g2DOTsupport@bbcDOTcoDOTuk with all the details you can remember from your old account - the U number, the email address, the titles of some of the entries you wrote - then they can sort it out

If you forget your password, then the thing to do is to click on the 'Forgotten Your Password' option that is given beside the login box when you try to sign in. This takes you to a page that asks you to give the answer to the 'secret question' you provided when you joined h2g2, and your date of birth.

In the interests of security, other people (including Italics!) don't have access to your passwords any more. The secret question is the last safeguard against people gaining access to others' accounts. So if you can't remember this I'm afraid they can't really do anything.

If you're 'locked out' and think you might be able to remember the password, then they can remove that block to give you another chance to enter it correctly, but that's about it I'm afraid.

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