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The Return of H2G2
Trigger Started conversation Mar 13, 2001
I don't know why, but I just can't shake this feeling that something is very different about the guide. Maybe it's just me, but it doesn't really matter because it's good to have the guide back. I was wondering just yesterday when the guide was going to reopen, and next day it was open again. Cool coincidence. Anyway, that's all this journal entry has to say.
The Return of H2G2
Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents. Posted Mar 14, 2001
I've noticed it too... I think it's the lack of people that used to always be around. Mostly, I guess, because they don't know h2g2's open again (they, like me, probably never got the "email" that was supposed to have been sent to all researchers).
And then, maybe it's because a lot of the guide is quite literally missing-- many entries and organizations are still under review by the moderators (er, the powers that be), so that lovely backbone of the guide is sort of in limbo for right now.
It's nice to be back, though. I never knew how much one could miss Alabaster. It's odd... I decided to check the site this morning on a sick whim (I was sick, home from school, and bored to tears), and what do you know--it was up! I honestly thought I was dreaming for quite some time.
Anyway. That's all for now.
~Amy (Keeper of Wolves and Muse of Procrastinating Novelists)
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The Return of H2G2
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