This is the Message Centre for Datta

Don't shoot!

Post 1

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Welcome to H2G2! I'm an Assistant Community Editor (ACE), and I, um... err... assist the community! smiley - winkeye So if you need any help finding your way around here, just give me a holler. This little resource here can help you get started off right; it's the link to the ACEs homepage, and has links to some useful stuff for new researchers:

And this thing is full of interesting clubs with open enrollments, if you decide you want to take part:

That should cover the generic stuff. BTW, what is all this FU stuff I see you posting in? Just curious, mind you...

Don't shoot!

Post 2


Thanks for the message, I'll definitely check out the links you provide. The FU stuff is Film Unlimited: there's a few of us currently exiled from the Guardian's online film forum due to technical problems, so we're squatting here to talk about films and TV and stuff. Nice here, though, might stay...

Don't shoot!

Post 3

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Well, if you wanted to participate in a larger film forum, you can find an ad to the H2G2 Film Society on that second link I gave you. Take a loo, and maybe you'll end up expanding your circle of friends in the process. smiley - smiley

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