Journal Entries

Ho Hum - time to up anchor

...for the third time this week I wake up to fresh snow.smiley - snowmansmiley - snowballsmiley - brr It's just so pretty, but I am a little bit fed up of the cold weather now. I've done my good turn house-sitting and supervising the decorator. I think I shall go and lie on a beach.

I can see some good tickets, and I don't need to pack my bags.

smiley - zen

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Latest reply: Feb 20, 2010

A Good Reason for not Eating in Bed

Throughout my married life, it was always a very firm rule that biscuits, cake or any other crumbly food should not be eaten in bed. The exception to this was toast, spread with butter and strawberry jam brought back to bed with the newspapers and coffee on a Saturday morning.

The rule was not mine, but I did abide with it, crumbs make unpleasant bedfellows. smiley - bigeyes

Now, of course, as a widow I can please myself and admit last night to eating some crisps, crackers, and then some maltesers.

smiley - crispssmiley - chocsmiley - cake

This was because I was watching some internet TV, and it seemed that as I could do this equally comfortably 'in bed' - so I did, and had the snacks at the same time.

I now have ants! smiley - yikes

smiley - antsmiley - antsmiley - antsmiley - ant

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Latest reply: Jan 24, 2010

Tropical Storm

Late last night I hung a load of washing outside, fully expecting it to be dry by the morning. smiley - doh It normally is.

Just been woken by the most tremendous tropical rainstorm, complete with thunder and lightening. This is only the second time in five weeks that it has rained here, but the first real rains of the winter. My, it rained! The sound of the rain on the glass roof was so enormously loud that it drowned out the sound of the thunder.

I am not nervous of thunder, but it is hard not to be a little jumpy when your bed is actually shaking whenever the clap of thunder occurs simultaneously with the flash of lightening. The full fury of the storm was shaking the island, and my bedroom, sunk as it is into the volcanic rock no longer felt impenetrable and protected.

Ferocious storms like this were once rare, but now have become so frequent that millions of Euros have been invested in an enormous civil engineering project, whereby storm drains have had to be installed throughout the island.

These are some photos I took earlier this year, at one point it seemed like th whole town was being dug up, to put these drains in.

I hope they have worked! These new rainstorms (climate change sort) turned the local streets into rivers, and the old drainage system immediately overflowed, with resulting drain water and sewer water flooding the beaches. The 'Blue Flag' status is immediately removed whenever pollution like this occurs - so it was vital to address this problem as this island is dependent on tourism.

Of course the houses here don't have gutters or pitched roofs. In the past the old houses captured every drop of rain, by directing the water from the flat roof into an underground cistern.

Just now the rainwater is gushing off my flat roof, falling into the gardens below, it sounds like a water fall. The thunder storm has run out of energy and rolled away somewhere else. It's still pitch black here (7.15 am), but dawn will arrive soon so I can rescue my washing, and my cushions and other stuff I left on the balcony smiley - doh

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Latest reply: Dec 12, 2009

At last I may try some relaxation

Eventually seem to have convinced others that my electricity supply has a problem which originates outside of my house. The trouble with Spanish houses is that they exist in communities, with shared stuff like outdoor lights, and in my case a shared earth *spike* ( literally a spike) between mine and about 10 more houses. So, somewhere along the line a fault has occurred and I get nearly 400volts of power entering my wires every evening. smiley - yikes is not the word. So, my circuit breakers all trip and I am powerless. Such a word, no pun intended. Of course, in the day when the chaps from the power company came to test, my system was perfect and they gave me looks like this smiley - bigeyessmiley - bigeyes I could see them thinking 'mujer inglesa estúpida'

In the first instance we blamed my old refrigerator, and since it was probably very inefficient I have sent it to the recycling depot and ordered a new one. So as well as in the dark, I am without a means to keep my food fresh. It has really brought it home to me how life has changed and we have become so complacent over even a simple thing like not having melted butter due to refrigeration. ( Yesterday the temperature was over 30 degrees C in the daytime and about 25 at night.) Today is cooler, only 25 C, and a pleasant breeze from the sea.

I have ordered my new fridge, which is being delivered on Friday, and on Thursday the electricians are going to install my very own, personal Earth Spike, in my garden. Such a thing! I am impressed. I will take some photos to show you .

So now I have written this down and there is nothing else to do -so I can go and relax - I have been either waiting in for various electricians, who have been unable to locate this source of external volts, or out looking at fridges.

I might even start reading a new book.

...oh yes, I have all the vocabulary needed now for discussing electrical problems in Spanish. I struggled for ages with the word 'wire' smiley - laugh it's 'cable' pronounced cah -bleh.

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Latest reply: Nov 3, 2009

And Another Thing

reminder to self to listen to this.

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Latest reply: Oct 12, 2009

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