This is the Message Centre for Nicorette

Something fishy...

Post 1

Santragenius V

Goddag og Velkommen!

Now, in my native language that means Hello and Welcome! To H2G2, I mean. As one of the Assistant Community Editors (or, if you will, ACEs), I kind of hop around and try to offer a little help and welcoming... smiley - smiley

Thus, in a forum, you can do a fish smiley - fish by typing > < > (w/o spaces). Alas, only right-swimming fish. Those who swam left has disappeared (I think).

If you want to see where to go or how to do it (go, I meansmiley - winkeye), have a look at the Don't Panic section or at the ACE homepage at

Have a good time!


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Something fishy...

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