This is the Message Centre for kez18

Me (24th Jan 2000)

Post 1


Hi. This is me here. Welcome to my journal. Great huh?

I joined this about a week ago, but until now I haven't actually got the point of this entire thingy. Now I've decided to write me a journal, cuz I've realised that I have no ideas for a guide entry as of yet, and instead I'll just focus on me. When I figure out something that relates to life on earth in at least a slightly humourous way, I think I might write a guide entry. But nothing really seems to be interesting me at the moment.

I don't get my friend see, cuz he came and showed me this here h2g2 stuff, and said it was really cool, and he hasn't done nothin on it yet. How boring.

I'm just ramblin on, so I'd better go.


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Me (24th Jan 2000)

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