This is the Message Centre for Alaska

The British Parliamentary System

Post 1


As you are editing my entry, I thought you'd like to know that I have made some changes to the etnry since it was submitted. These are probably minor, but it may be worth you having a look at the newer version.

The entry is at:


The British Parliamentary System

Post 2


Hi Silverfish,

I've now taken this entry in-house to sub as we haven't heard from Alaska at all. I've also taken your latest copy, seeing we'll be subbing it from scratch. Expect to see it up on the Front page within a week or so. smiley - smiley



The British Parliamentary System

Post 3


I'm here, I'm here! I just talked with Christopher Gray, and something got lost in the transition from Anna. I never saw that I was supposed to edit this entry! So sorry for the confusion...

The British Parliamentary System

Post 4


Yeah - it's all sorted now. No-one's fault, I think, just a series of miscommunications and lost emails - the sort of thing that invariable happens at job-handovers...

It should be up within a week or so. smiley - smiley

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