This is the Message Centre for coelacanth

Waves to Coely!

Post 21


There is... but the programme costs more than the charges, so I'll just soldier on I think smiley - smiley
shazz smiley - winkeye

Waves to Coely!

Post 22


Next step in getting new license done. Took all documents, photo and passport to the Post Office who check it over for £3.50. This isn't compulsory, but saves putting the passport in the post.
All OK, so stuff in the post now.
Remind me someone. Wasn't the computer revolution meant to make things like banking, paperwork etc easier?
smiley - fish

Waves to Coely!

Post 23


Yes... but places like courts, official document offices etc etc seem to still be working in the dark ages!
shazz smiley - winkeye

Waves to Coely!

Post 24


Well, here's a thing! After following the instuctions to the letter, going to all the trouble of getting a half decent photo etc, the licence arrives.
They have cropped my hair off and stamped DVLA all over the picture anyway!
smiley - fish

Waves to Coely!

Post 25


Typical... smiley - sadface
I have found that I can't get a new licence anyway... I have to have an address in England to qualify... just a little tricky to do atm! LOL
shazz smiley - magic

Waves to Coely!

Post 26


I saw that condition on the form. So, are you allowed to drive anywhere? What use is the EU anyway?
smiley - fish

Waves to Coely!

Post 27


I'm goinf for it anyway... I still have an English address technically... it's just that all the mail gets forwarded on here! I will go and get a Dutch driving Licence when I get back! Are you going to make it to the meet?? smiley - winkeye
shazz smiley - magic

Waves to Coely!

Post 28


Oh yes! I'm posting as a definite now. Not at the start, (w***) but by about 3 or 4pm I hope. I look forward to seeing you again Shazz.
What about you Phil?
smiley - fish

Waves to Coely!

Post 29


I'll be there for the afternoon and early evening. Other commitments (like a big party at a friends place) means I can't be there all the time.

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