This is the Message Centre for coelacanth

Waving Cheerfully

Post 1


(Have I used that title before?)


How are you?

H2G2's entry for DNA came up on FriendFace today, so I clicked, and clicked a bit more until it let me in, and this is me leaving a message for my friend.

I really hope you are OK and having fun




Waving Cheerfully

Post 2


Hey you! smiley - kiss

How's things with you and yours?

I'm good thanks, especially since I managed to downsize my working week to 3 days, which means a 4 day weekend, and Wednesdays are the new Fridays. It's marvelous! And I still get 12 weeks off. Work-life balance sorted! Go me!

Sunshine (now 30 smiley - yikes) got married last August and looked like a princess. Moonlight (now 27 smiley - yikes was the bridesmaid and looked like a princess too.

I lost everyone's numbers in a dramatic 'phone meets pavement' disaster about 18 months ago, so I don't have yours any more, but I have exactly the same number and email if you still have them?
smiley - bluefish

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