This is the Message Centre for coelacanth

What a big scone!

Post 81


Tired? Not atm, never when you are around smiley - smiley

What a big scone!

Post 82


Something for you then.
smiley - fish

What a big scone!

Post 83


I got one smiley - smiley
Is there another, or am I being too greedy, or am I missing the point?
Probably the latter two, as there will be another waiting for me elsewhere smiley - smiley
Tomorrows plans?

What a big scone!

Post 84


....I will find out tomorrow.
Not tired, but will be in the morning.
So a big goodnight hug for you, sleep and dream well.
And a huge X too. smiley - smiley
J (the 'T.B.', allegedly smiley - winkeye)

What a big scone!

Post 85


Still there my TB? (sorry! Couldn't resist it)
Had to deal with 2 sweaty men. Then h2g2 decided I was unknown!
1 mail there, 1 mail elswhere.
Nice place.
smiley - fish

What a big scone!

Post 86


Gone now then smiley - sadface
When you get this it will be morning, so I hope you slept well and had sweet dreams.
The sweaty men were YL and flatmate who now have my sofas for their new place.
Not too sure what the day will bring. I would like to go to London and do a gallery or something, if I can find a companion for it.
So, lots of OXOXOXO for your day ahead.
smiley - fish

What a big scone!

Post 87


Bleary eyes? smiley - bigeyes
smiley - coffee for you.
I hope the day is a good one, and the battles turn out to be minor skirmishes.
X for now.
smiley - fish

What a big scone!

Post 88


Still there? Or possibly just missed you.
Slept well, dreams were good ones, the bits I can remembersmiley - smiley
Not too tired, strangely enough.
Hope you have a good day.
Really misty this morning, but still managed to get in on time.
*sips tea* Need this. smiley - smiley (oh for a real cuppa, the tea here is disgusting and milk goes off too quickly, so coffee instead)

What a big scone!

Post 89


Ah, touche, just disappeared from the window, so not currently online.
Mail good will respond soon.

What a big scone!

Post 90


Oh gosh, just thought. If you go up to London, I will have a whole day without the prospect of getting another message from you!
Aaaaargghhhhh. I don't know whether I can cope! smiley - sadface
Need a RL coffee I think.

What a big scone!

Post 91


Got coffee. Still too hot to drink.
Had another thought (this is getting dangerous). If you are in London, you can go to a webcam smiley - smiley

What a big scone!

Post 92


I'm not sure what I'm doing so expect the unexpected. smiley - smiley I would like to go to London though. I miss it. Not been since Somerset House trip detailed in my journal. I'll go before I leave here.
Sorry about the tea there. *sends some fresh milk*
Another nice fine day here.
I could enjoy it if I didn't have a lot to do.
You can cope!
X (to help)
smiley - fish

What a big scone!

Post 93


Please check your intray. Thank you.

How formal!

Post 94


Certainly sir. Anything else? Shorthand? Typing?
smiley - smiley
smiley - fish

How formal!

Post 95


Sorry, someone was looking over my shoulder at the time, and rather than minimising the window, I thought it would be better just to type something.
Shorthand eh? Does that mean I get to ask you to 'Please come through and take a memo' and then you sit on my knee while I dictate smiley - winkeye And of course, you would be wearing high heels and a very short skir...
Hold on a mo. *runs off for quick cold shower. Comes back towel drying hair and straightening tie* Harumph. Yes. Well.
*sips coffee*
smiley - smiley

Ooh Young Maaaan!

Post 96


Stop it!
smiley - fish

Ooh Young Maaaan!

Post 97


Well, that's one 'young man' who is very embarrased now! smiley - winkeye

Ooh Young Maaaan!

Post 98


*waves to him*
Yoohoo! smiley - smiley
Drive safely.
smiley - fish

Ooh Young Maaaan!

Post 99


smiley - smiley
Will do.
Any luck?

Ooh Young Maaaan!

Post 100


Get some sleep!!!
I can see you.
smiley - fish

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