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Are you a Warrior?

Post 1

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Hi Tali,

I was reading your article about car racing, and thought it was really interesting, but there was a part I didn't understand. Did y'all actually move to the warriors class this season? I envy you for being able to maintain a car by yourself -- I hate being at the mercy of a machine that I depend on so heavily and yet don't know how to fix!


Are you a Warrior?

Post 2


Hi lil, sorry i've out of touch for a while.

Once you have two years of racing experience, you have to advance to the next level and compete with more experienced drivers. We are almost done building our car for this year and start racing in about 3 weeks. Usually around Victoria Day Weekend.

Are you a Warrior?

Post 3

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Aha! There you are. I was asking because I subbed your article on car racing. I accepted it, but, because you weren't around to answer questions yourself, I got help from other subbies in clearing a few points. There's a policy guideline about use of first person, and I think I bent it a little on your behalf, but you will see changes IF it gets published without further changes by the senior eds. As I say, sorry you weren't here to assist in the editing yourself!


Are you a Warrior?

Post 4


Yeah, I've kind of had a lot going on lately. Stuck my head in the sand for awhile. Hopefully, things are starting to work out and I can get back to some semblance of normality. Thanks for the substitution. Maybe I should actually read all the rules. New concept for me. hehehe. It's nice to be back.

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