This is the Message Centre for Tali

Hallo there

Post 1

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

You'll be getting an official welcome any time now from one of the community social workers or whatever they call themselves, with helpful links and tips ...

But I'm pleased to be the first to greet you informally. Welcome to the Hitchhikers Guide, where every conceivable sort of entity seems to be hanging out.

You can find out about me by clicking on this:

Clicking on things seems to be a successful survival behavior around here.


Hallo there

Post 2


Thank You, Lil. You're very kind. I did read your article on Billy the Kid. It was very interesting. Unfortunately, my line of work isn't usually that exciting. I'm a banquet server at a hotel that is part of a major hotel chain. Although it has given an opportunity to see some of the most notorious dictators in the world today. I'm planning my first guide entry on it. I hope your restoration goes well. Billy was always one of my favorite outlaws. See you later.

Hallo there

Post 3


Greetings Tali smiley - smiley

I just wanted to stop off and be another "unofficial" welcome wagon greeter person smiley - smiley I saw you on the beach and thought I would stop by and say Hi! because, well .... becuase smiley - smiley

To find out a little more about me just follow this link:

and a tip is you can look at the current discussions that people are in from their home pages, I have found it's a great way to find places you might not otherwise find smiley - smiley


Hallo there

Post 4


Thanks, Courtesy.
I did notice my favorite choice of pastry caused a moment of confusion at the beach. So far I'm enjoying being a researcher. It's been a while since I actually read the guide and am now in the process of re-reading them. I particularly liked the way the seemingly impossible is presented as an everyday thing.
You will probably see me around as I get used to where I'm going in here.
See you around. smiley - smiley

Hallo there

Post 5

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Hey guys, where's the beach? Could somebody put the link in
their next post or tell me the page number? I'm a member of
HRASC, so it's about time I went out there and demonstrated


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