This is the Message Centre for mammamaia

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Post 1


posted by Freddiddle | posted 15 Hours Ago
Hi Miai,

Can't find your portfolio. That does not help me much. Do you have one - a portfolio that is?

Please let me know.

Read with interest you investigations into the 'Most prolific writer in Africa'. Any reply yet?

Malcolm. smiley - bubblyAlcohol free again.

Not quite so new

Post 2


hi, malcolm...
i'm so sorry to have not replied sooner, but never thought to check the pms, as i invite all to email me 'at home'...

smiley - ermhave no idea what a 'portfolio' is here, but i suspect i don't have onesmiley - winkeye

my work is available on my site, a link to which is found in my profile [i think]... email me at home, if you can't find it, ok?...

as for the african lad, no reply as yet... nor do i expect one... hope i wasn't too harsh, but if one touts one's work, it should be found somewhere, right?

love and hugs, maia
[email protected]

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