This is the Message Centre for mammamaia

Have you read my little story

Post 1


Give me your thoughts on "The Dustbin Monster" I wrote for children. Any criticism or points welcomed.
Thanks TerryTHsmiley - cheers

Have you read my little story

Post 2


hi, terry...
i'm so sorry to have not replied sooner, but never thought to check the pms, as i invite all to email me 'at home'...

i'll be glad to give you a critique of the work, but i'll need you to send it to me via email, if you want me to... i really don't like these pvt message things and can't add notes to work in posts, as i can do in a document...

if you have ms word, send to me as a word doc attachment... if you don't, send as rtf and that will work just as well...

love and hugs, maia
[email protected]

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Have you read my little story

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