This is the Message Centre for Dr Fu-Manchu


Post 1


Welcome to h2g2 ! I hope you enjoy the fabulous experience! smiley - smiley


Post 2

Dr Fu-Manchu

Fu-Manchu thinks that h2g2 is an interesting concept that may well be fabulous, only time will tell -- conceptually interesting it is. One immediate problem is that h2g2 cannot handle hyphenated email addresses; submitting such a registration produces no reply from the Guide. Perhaps the h2g2 propellor-heads should investigate this anomalous behaviour?

Fu-Manchu has not tried changing the email address on his home page to the proper designation.


Post 3


Thanks for telling me. I'll check it out. Stick a password in your details page if you can, it sorts out all sorts of email problems. You can then log on from any computer.

Fu-Manchu much greatly welcomed guest. I hope you enjoy h2g2 and in the fullness of time contribute much wisdom. smiley - smiley


Post 4

Dr Fu-Manchu

Password protection is active. Problems became apparent when the email address domain-name contained a hyphen.


Post 5

Dr Fu-Manchu

Another incantation revealed that the first attempts to register with the Guide have been recorded in the database. It is the reply email that did not arrive at the email address.

An attempt to reset the email address of Fu-Manchu to the original preference produced this response: "Warning: Your new email address has not been stored because the new email address is already used by another researcher."

This is not a problem to Fu-Manchu. One day the propellor-heads in charge of Guide will discover in the database an inactive user record and mark it for deletion.

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