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Day 11 of the year 200

Oh well nothing huge has gone rong yet; looks like it is time to stop hopeing. smiley - winkeye

On another note you will have to forgive me for making thoughs mistakes in my last entry. It was the first thing that I did once I loged into h2g2 for the first time. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Jan 11, 2000

Day one of year 2000

Today was a rather disapointing day. Yesterday I was full of hope,
stupidly thinking that there was a chance that the y2k bug might
actualy cause some trouble, but as the clock stuck twelve I was
awakend to the fact that nothing was realy going to go wrong.
The only bugs that I encountred was that Loto Quebec's loto computers
where down from 3:00 to 5:20 and the news ticker one my sight OutOfPaper.

Oh well at least tomorow is another day and maybe just maybe...

...somthing will go realy wrong then.

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Latest reply: Jan 1, 2000

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