Journal Entries
Posted Jan 9, 2000
Being back in school is not fun. I have to actually go to bed at decent hours again (midnight). Oh well... Might as well enjoy thre weekends, and try to kill more time on IRC.
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Latest reply: Jan 9, 2000
The world still exists!
Posted Jan 2, 2000
Well, main event of the day: The world did not end 23 hours ago.
I was impressed equally by the total lack of ANY problems and the fireworks that the city of San Francisco put on (I didn't think you could fit that many fireworks on the Ferry Building tower!). How many people in the world are going to be eating rehydrated dried beans for the next year (When, I might add, the REAL next millenium starts) as a result of Y2K stockpiling.
With luck, they'll all donate everything to food banks. That'd be nice
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Latest reply: Jan 2, 2000
It's 1:42 AM
Posted Dec 29, 1999
I sense a theme here... What does this theme tell me? That I need to go to bed earlier, I'll bet. Then again, I can always argue that I AM going to bed early, but try explaining that to the branch librarian when you show up at work late because you overslept. she then proceeded to imply that I should, perhaps, go to bed earlier.
Speaking of work, we get a brand-new computer toy to play with. yes, we now get a GRAPHICAL user interface to work with (! And who says libraries don't keep up with the times?
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Latest reply: Dec 29, 1999
It's 2 o'clock in the morning
Posted Dec 27, 1999
It's two o'clock in the morning, and I'm still not going to bed. It's not even New Years yet. Mind you, of course, the whole world will explode in a fiery ball come midnight, Dec 31, 1999, or at least that's what the newspaper keeps telling me. Perhaps I'll set out some marshmallows for the Big Event. After all, it's never a bad time for s'mores. Now, if only I had chocolate. Oh well. I digress. It's probably time for bed, but I think I'll spend another hour on IRC before hitting the sack. After all, why waste a perfectly good evening? Morning. Whatever.
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Latest reply: Dec 27, 1999
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