This is the Message Centre for J'au-æmne

Ok, So I've had my nickname reset now too

Post 21


Sounds like you need the complint link the most...

Actually, I think the problem is that ican has a bug - it treats the nickname field as if its your real name, rather than using the first name and surname fields from SSO, like the filmnetwork site does.

But that lack of response is ridiculous.

Ok, So I've had my nickname reset now too

Post 22

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I think that's quite likely, j'au-æmne. I've made a formal complaint, though. There's no excuse for ignoring me since I first contested the moderation on 1 February.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Ok, So I've had my nickname reset now too

Post 23


Good for you smiley - ok There's no excuse at all... I just like to speculate on why people are being stupid...smiley - winkeye

I'm going to make a complaint tonight or tomorrow - I know its only been a couple of days for me, but a) I'm not patient and b) their email said "If you disagree with this moderation decision please reply to this email and the Community Team will respond within normal working hours.", which to me implies they should reply within about one working day, even if only to say that they're thinking about it again.

Ok, So I've had my nickname reset now too

Post 24

logicus tracticus philosophicus

and logicus is not happy with the fact that filmnet has given his name, seems another case of do as i say not as i do, what with being told not to put personal information on site ,then to find it has been done without your permission , then when you do send a complaint you get the standerd email state the rules have not been broken , strange since i informed the "powers that be i wish to be known as on ican it is by the way those of you who have not visited ican please do and read h2g2 could suffer the same fate

logicus tracticus philosophicus is.tempted to go back to first name
and on most sites it is but several of these new sites
have chosen to disregard my wishes filmnet take note you do not have my permission to use my name .this is a clear breach of rights to anonimaty, what gauls me more is the reply i got here it is sent in the filmnet skin

Dear h2g2 Reader,[[[ whoa given my name out i complain about it then this}}}}feathers spiting time

Further to your complaint about some of the content on h2g2 (reference
number A236687), we have decided that it does not contravene the h2g2
House Rules and are going to leave it on site. You can read the House
Rules at

If you disagree with this moderation decision please reply to this email
and one of the h2g2 Editors will respond within normal working hours.

Best wishes,

The h2g2 Moderation Team

This e-mail, and any attachment, is confidential. If you have received
it in error, please delete it from your system, do not use or disclose
the information in any way, and notify me immediately. The contents of
this message may contain personal views which are not the views of the
BBC, unless specifically stated.

Ok, So I've had my nickname reset now too

Post 25

fords - number 1 all over heaven - whistle

Ok, So I've had my nickname reset now too

Post 26


Since I have not seen your previous nickname I have no way to judge or explain why it might be offensive. I mave been using MoFoLo probably over thirty years. Long before I invented, er, discovered computers. I even had a stamp made to use when doing inventory. Instead of initialing the cards that I audited I would stamp them. However, about three years ago I was tossed off MSN gaming site permanently for using that nickname. I requested an explanation but was only told the people who make those decisions felt the nickname was vulgar. All I have to say someone has a pretty vulgar mind and I don't think that someone is me. Any way I like your new name. I like your comments at Lil's and if I may ask what is your first language? I could make a guess but I am not overwordly and might embarrass myself. By the way even though English is my only language I was a poor student. I basically slept my way through things such as transitive, intransitive, syntax, and probably a lot more. And I know I am not supposed to end on a preposition but I am not always sure what constitutes a prepostion. This is why when I write it takes me hours what takes others maybe five minutes. My spelling used to be pretty good but as I get older I count on my dictionaries and thesaurus. I have two english dictionaries, one is UK the other World. Oh and that is another thing, I oftne put Capital letters where they are not required and I even handwrite that same way. So as far as I am concern I enjoy reading how other people describe situations. Some that I thought were English themselves some times put things in a way I find humourus but I would not make fun of them because I more than likely leave my self wide open for redicule. Although it was a neat slip of the tongue so to speak when some one said the Loved in someplace when they meant lived. Typos are usually open to merriment, don't you think?

MoFoLo smiley - sheep

Ok, So I've had my nickname reset now too

Post 27


Hi MoFoLo, thanks for stopping by smiley - smiley Your nickname isn't vulgar. Banning you from that site was pretty harsh, really...

When I first signed up to h2g2 back at the end of 1999 (!) I was brand new to the internet, and seeing a "nickname" field, thought "well I don't really have a nickname", and just typed Joanna. Then I added Princess of Darkness a few months later, because I have a liking for Tia Maria, and their advertising tagline was "have you met the Princess of Darkness?" at the time... Then in my 3rd year of uni I shared a house with someone who had done a few linguistics modules, who respelled my name for me - au as in aupair, a silent m, and the final e is pronounced a bit like it is in German. Oh, and the æ bears a passing resemblence to the short 'a' sound in phonetics, allegedly smiley - winkeye

I confess that when my nickname was failed, I just changed it back to exactly what it was within about 5 minutes, so my nickname as it is is what was failed. smiley - blush I should update my journal, actually, as I've received an email from ican explaining why they failed it - Originally they made a mistake in their programming, I think, and didn't realise it. They should have fixed it by now I think, actually. Then they compounded their mistake by referring to the wrong set of rules in the moderation email smiley - laugh

English is my first and only language. I know a tiny little bit of French, and I wish I'd worked harder at it at school, but languages were pretty low on my list of priorities, and if I'd continued with French I'd have had to give up something else I wanted to do, I suppose. I hardly studied any English grammar at school; we did similies and metaphors all the time, but I can't remember doing anything else! Certainly none of my teachers ever tried to teach me about transitive and intransitive verbs... But I've always read lots, so I think I learned English grammar though that more than anything.

Typos are amusing - I try my hardest not to make them, but I've been rereading some of my old postings recently, and I make plenty smiley - smiley I love the way that everyone has a character when they write, like it was their own voice. A long while ago my friends here went through a phase of signing up new accounts, and trying to act like different people so they wouldn't be spotted as fakes. But it's so difficult to do!

Wow. This must be the longest posting I've written in a while - I hope I've not bored you too much smiley - winkeyesmiley - magic

Ok, So I've had my nickname reset now too

Post 28


Bored? Never for a minute. So then are you English or American? I must have looked at someone else's note about English being a second language. But, I have to admit I like the name j'au-æmne. My mother told me I was named Mark because I was short of remarkable. Yeah, right. I wish she had named me after my father. He died when I was three so I know nothing about him but I do like his name, McVety.

Never mind the question about English or American. I noticed the UK people use the word uni so I will go with that. I did notice that if people stay long enough they start using UK terminology. I love it. Thankfully I found a decent UK dictionary because sometimes I am totally lost when I see verbs and adverbs that are common there but not here in the colonies.

Anyway I will see you at Lil's. I love the way the thread flows. It is just like a conversation at a restaruant table with a dozen people sitting around a round table. The conversation criss-crossing going in different directions and then back again to certain parts discussed and back out in more directions. Because of my hearing I get lost at a real setting but here I find I still get lost. "Gotcha!" It is hard to find the time and have time for other things. But I will try to keep up.

smiley - sheep
Father of
smiley - ant
smiley - blacksheep

Ok, So I've had my nickname reset now too

Post 29


Oops smiley - smiley I did actually mean to mention that I'm English somewhere in all that... What can I say - it's late and I've had a few to drink this evening smiley - winkeye

McVety is a good name. It stands out...

I mentioned that I was impressed at the number of people who post (in the Atelier and on h2g2 generally) for whom English is a second language and I don't notice... maybe it was that smiley - smiley

Are you American, or in some other colony? smiley - winkeye I find that the internet makes me pick up Americanisms... I'm sure I use 'ize' rather than 'ise' at the end of words more since I've read more Amerian's writing...

I really enjoy reading everyone's thoughts at Lil's too. I don't know why I took so long to start posting there regularly!

Ok, So I've had my nickname reset now too

Post 30


U S of A -- American. I only use that expression if I believe I am talking to a UK citizen.

You rest well. I think it is later there. It is just now turning 8:00 PM.

smiley - sheep

Ok, So I've had my nickname reset now too

Post 31


Yeah - it's just gone 1am here smiley - smiley Good night smiley - sleepy

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