This is the Message Centre for Narvia


Post 1


Hi im Narvia. im in my teens. im still at school. smiley - smiley i have blue eyes and brown long hair. Im into reading, writing stories, singing and films. My favourite colour is blue. my favourite animal is horses. i hope to make friends so please feel free to chat.smiley - hug


Post 2


'ello Narvia, you seem to have left yourself a message on your own personal space so not many people are going to see it...miscellanious chat would probably be a better place to introduce yourself...

I'm Peace, by the way.smiley - smiley I'm in my late teens, but my mind still believes I'm twelve.smiley - tongueout I like to sketch, read and pick up pointless trivia. For example, did you know that a cat can become fussier about what it eats as it gets older, due to its sense of smell deteriorating?

I also like to write, (although I never seem to get past the first page of a story- isn't writers block awful?) and by sheer coincidence also have brown hair...although yours is probably neater than mine! smiley - rolleyes

What kind of books are you into?


Post 3


I'm into fantasy books. I love the Harry Potter books. I hope to write my own book some day. By the way its nice 2 meet U, Peacesmiley - smiley Its great 2 meet new peoplesmiley - hug


Post 4


Nice to meet you too.smiley - biggrin

Yeah, I like the Harry Potter books aswell, I'm planning to reread the whole series sometime now that all the books are out. I wasn't sure about Deathly Hallows the first time I read it, have you read it? What did you think?

Trouble with reading is I only ever hear about the high profile now the Harry Potter series is done there seems to be a bit of a vacume to be filled. I guess I should read some classics really, I've started Tale of Two Cities about four times now, but I guess I find books based in reality a little heavier going!


Post 5


I loved Deathly Hallows although the end was kind of rushed. When Dobby died it made me cry. im disappointed that its over but theres still the films and the new theme park to look forward to.

There is other book sequence that need to be finished and that is what im looking forward to, like Christopher Paolini's Eragon, Eldest and next should be Empiresmiley - smiley


Post 6


Yeah, to be honest the end was the weakest part of DH for me, it felt like a piece of fanfiction. (smiley - ermNot that all fanfiction is bad, but often the plots and characters tend to be based a lot more on what the author would like to happen, rather than what's good for the story...</perfectionist mode&gtsmiley - winkeye

Dobby's death was so sad! smiley - blue Of course all the deaths were, but with Dobby it had a different sort of poiniance. Possibly because he had spent so much time in slavery, and seemed like a true innocent somehow. I don't normally cry when I read books, but the part that got me here was when Harry brough his parents, Lupin and Sirius back with the ring. I don't know why that part, but it made me cry.

I haven't read any Eragon books. Truth be told the films the only thing I've heared much about. Do the two compare, or was the film not as good? (Haven't seen the film either though. smiley - rolleyes


Post 7


i suppose Eragon the film was not bad but alot of things were missed out like important characters that need to be in the next film. i don't know how they are going 2 make it work.

The book is probably better!smiley - smiley

Back 2 HP, do u like the films?
Also i've heard rumours about Emma Watson about not doing the last film?


Post 8


Mmm I've heared rumors like that about Emma Watson and pretty much every other actor before and in between most of the films, so I'm not too worried.

Yeah, I like the films. Although I was dissapointed at first because they miss so much out from the books, and they way they interpret the movie world and some of the characters is nothing like what I imagined when I read the books. Tonks has short hair Darnit!

*ahem* sorry...but once I adjusted to the idea that the films just weren't going to do the books justice for me, I kinda enjoyed them. The Order of the Phoenix movie was well done. I really love Evanna Lynch as Luna.


Post 9


Yeah Lunas ace! Tonks looks slightly as Emma Watson i think. Tonks is cool! smiley - cool

U heard about the HP Theme Park?
Im definately going!smiley - run


Post 10


Hey i wanna delete some old journal entrys but it will not let me. Help! smiley - wah


Post 11


Deleting journal entries already? Ok, well on the main part of your personal space it should have a button undreneath each journal entry saying 'remove this journal entry from your space'. That's what you have to click.

Yep Tonks and Luna became some of my favourite characters in OOTP. I dunno though...Natalia Tenna didn't remind me of Emma Watson too much, or did you mean that neither looked how you'd imagined the character to be?

I have heared about the Theme park.smiley - smiley I think it'll be pretty cool...although I'm on the fence about whether I'd like it or not, because you just can't really replicate Hogwarts without magic or special effects.


Post 12


Itll be second best 2 imagining it. I can just imagine myself walking down Diagon Alley and buying stuff.
cant wait for HP and Hb P the film. its out 21st december i think.

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