This is the Message Centre for Worthy


Post 1

Ddychweledig - pining for the Fjords

Wow, I'm the first


Post 2


sorry, didn't quite hear you that time.
wow, my first visitor, i must be famous, well, temporarilly.
i've just put a few more interesting things in my introduction if you want to go and have a look,
smiley - smiley


Post 3

Ddychweledig - pining for the Fjords

Are you sure?

Faulty towers

Post 4


do you watch it?
Manwell, 22.

Faulty towers

Post 5

Ddychweledig - pining for the Fjords

Is it on again? Or is that just a very confusingly vaugue question?...No, I didnt.....was it good?

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