Journal Entries

The Brahma Kumaris

we are divine beings remember that who I am
love peace truth wisdom star=soul light imperishable
immortal eternal divine I am peace, ocean of limitless
peace, stay in that energy

silent meditation
eyes open 20 minutes eyes focus on one thing

aura-energy you vibrate
negative thoughts create disease
matter is constantly changing
god is forever unchangeable
ocean of mercy
(look at thoughts, think,speak,only what you need to)
supreme soul,soul>eternal
matter I god we mmatter I we mind
connect with supreme to be who I am

sister Raj Raja yoga

picture a star every ray is love, hope, peace,patience,truth,courage
try something new nothing to lose something to gain
youth=zeal to use mind intellect for change
send elevated thoughts good feelings to world, especially to those
who need it,
I am an eternal immortal impearishable point of light...
More we use love,truth,peace,the more it increases...
I am divine,soul,immune system connected with mental status.
maintain peaceful consciousness
mind creating thought intellect access thought goes into action
via senses eyes nose ears touch
leaves impression on subconscious
impression,personality traits=sanskars automatic habits
viscious cycles
use knowledge of who you are divine beings to guide mind
to create positive thoughts to uproot negative sanskars
maintain mastery of senses by knowing you are divine
atma=soul baruch ashem=thank god
know your divinity to avoid split in atma-negative-positive.

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Latest reply: Dec 22, 2007

The Brahma Kumaris

This entry will be just scattered, disconnected notes
from the journal I kept when I went to the Meditation Center
in Manhattan From 2003 to the fall of 2007.
I'm not a real regular, but I am very advanced at Raja yoga.
Raja Yoga
Divine Virtues

Accuracy Benevolence Carefree Cleanliness Cheerfullness
Contentment Cooperation Courage Detachment Determination Discipline
Fearlessness Flexibility Generosity Gentleness Honesty Humility Introversion Lightness Loyalty Maturity Mercy Obedience Patience
Purity Respect Royalty Self-Confidence Serenity Simplicity Surrender
Stability Sweetness Tirelessness Tolerance Trusytworthiness
Truthfulness Wisdom


change thoughts to change do something make some effort
swim against the current courage connect with the almighty
determination to muster energy start being who you are
see myself with beautiful light in the center of my forhead to
connect with the supreme control life with the help of god
just change yourself not anyone else become a source of inspiration
honesty of purpose don't decieve yourself

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Latest reply: Dec 22, 2007

Legalities and illegalities

Ofcourse not all the ammendments I've listed are thrown away.
But some are. Where are the police where is everyone in intelligence,
is everyone without ant moral fiber?
I understand everyone needs money but to throw away the geneva conventions, the constitution, the suppression of genocide, the declaration of human rights, the U>S> code collection,insurance fraud laws, the freedom of information acts, illegal wiretaping laws and legal wire tapping laws and all the international legalities under the sun.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't want to literally go to court, I don't literally want to lock up my own sister, what does a guy have to do to reinstate his civil
rights in America?

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Latest reply: Dec 21, 2007

The Constitution

Anyway enough paranoia for now.
I really feel that my constitutional liberties have been
violated. And the whole worlds.
We the people of the United States of America, in order to form
a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility; provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain
and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
(I'm not going to print the whole constitution;if you want a copy go to
Article 4
section 2
The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and
immunities of citizens in the several states.
Bill of rights.
They throw away the bill of rights around me and the planet
especially ammendments 1,4,5,9,11,13,14,15,19,24 and 26.

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Latest reply: Dec 21, 2007

The Constitution

Back to my paranoid theories of them targeting
me to be given HIV, or their sex curse! Or DE fuhrers
sex curse or their fancy pig virus or whatever they call it.
I've said it's science fiction my wild imagination and
paranoia, my lack of faith, etc.
But I saw Bushes ghost saying,"You need to be eliminated!"
I saw Baryshnikov's spirit saying,"You have enemies,"
I saw Leslie Brownes ghost saying(I can't write it here on
H2G2) but essentially to,"die of Aids!"
Paranoia, schizophrenia, science fiction.
I don't mean to be defamatory, it's what I think and this
is my personal diary.
The sending of the ghost. Is that what gestapo really translates into? I was so insanely paranoid I thought of myself as my own
personal gestapo, I'm a Nazi too!
It scared me way back in the Reagen era, that the whole world could
be monitoring the telephone lines, that they were spreading Aids!
That they were literally holding the whole planet hostage. Turning it
into one big concentration camp.
They didn't protect just Nazi rocket scientists...Could their have
been ex-Nazois in disguise pretending to be holocaust survivors?

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Latest reply: Dec 21, 2007

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