Journal Entries


So. It's been awhile.
Updates: I'm a freshman at Johns Hopkins University [URL removed by moderator] in Baltimore, MD, USA. I'm originally from New Hampshire, USA. Not only have I spent the last two semesters here, but I'll be working here this summer, too. I graduated from Sanborn Regional High School [URL removed by moderator] in June of 2000. That was a huge relief...
Friday was an interesting day. I skipped my afternoon class and went to get make a long story short (and to avoid having to talk about how I'm a big wimp) I'm now the owner of two (count 'em, two) pierced nipples.
I've got three weeks of class left. I think I'm just about ready for this semester to be over.
I'm making it my goal to write more guide entries shortly.


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Latest reply: Apr 16, 2001

Sunday 7/2/00

Here comes my least favorite holiday, Independence Day! Ok, so I hate fireworks. So I'm a big wimp. Oh well. . .
I hope that Rachel comes back and reads this page.
I haven't kept a journal since. . .well, since a long time ago. I was reminded of this fact this morning, when, searching for my shoes under a pile of dirty clothes, I spied a glimpse of my old journal. The reason I was looking for my shoes was because I needed to go to the store and buy contact lens solution. I left my right contact in for 4 1/2 days, which I do not recommend.
Perhaps I will go and read my old journal and reflect on how pathetic I was and hopefully how cool I am now.
Oooh, Marvin Gaye is on the radio. Too bad I'm listening to his songs alone . . .

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Latest reply: Jul 3, 2000

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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