This is the Message Centre for Aeli's mistress


Post 1


Hi there... was just passing by... as me likes to do on a Wednesday evening... hunting for the elusive doughnuts... when me noticed you little corber of crimbo cheer... ~smile~... thought I would stop by and say a big HELLO!!!

Phew... took some doing that did... ~grin~


Post 2

Aeli's mistress

Dearest Greebo,

Thank you so much for dropping by. I'm afraid there sin't as much happening here as at your place. But, my exams got over today. YIPPEE!!

(overjoyed with excitement)
smiley - smiley


Post 3


~grin~... you should have seen my page when me first started... no worries... a page gets that indiviual feel with time... me is sure that yours will....

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