Journal Entries
Day One of the rest of my life...
Posted Dec 18, 1999
First day... December 18, 1999.
Hmmmm....I'm old. Well not really but it sounded like a good opening didn't it? Got your attention. Fess up. You were either thinking... man is this one of those old geezers that are gonna sprout out wisdom, or is this one of the neurotic people that think they are old because they aren't 16 anymore and they try to look younger and act about 12?
Well take your pick. Some days I feel like those geezers. You know when you get up in the morning and you think.. "Man, I can't believe that I am so old..." and you look in the mirror and scream "WHO is that hag that is looking at me.. wait a minute that is me!!!!!!!"
Then other times I feel young and think... I am NOT old. I am just tired. Then I run out and grab a Pop CD of a teeny bopper that has still be in diapers, singing about how sad the world is now that their lover is gone. Whew... I think I'll go get some Geritol.
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