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tilde & spanish accenting.
jbliqemp... Started conversation Oct 3, 2000
I have your article 'Accent Rules for Spanish' to edit, and was concerned with your use of the word tilde. In my handy Spanish for foolish English speakers book, it says the tilde is this: ~
And, I don't have an accent key on my keyboard. In any case, did you mean the tilde, or were you refering to a (relatively) common accent mark? Much like this, reversed: `
tilde & spanish accenting.
The Frood (Stop Torture: A455528) Posted Oct 4, 2000
Tilde, I think, is any mark placed on top of the letter.
I meant the ´ for tilde, and I was taught that ´ was also tilde and I think I say it on the article? Is it unclear?
tilde & spanish accenting.
jbliqemp... Posted Oct 4, 2000
No, you were very clear; however, in the language book I was looking in, they call this ` (yeah, it's backwards) an accent mark, and this ~ over an n was called a tilde. It's entirely possible that they are both tildes. I'll see what I come up with...
tilde & spanish accenting.
jbliqemp... Posted Oct 6, 2000
The definition of tilde in my dictionary stated that it was a accent mark, shaped thus: ~
tilde & spanish accenting.
The Frood (Stop Torture: A455528) Posted Oct 6, 2000
Well, feel free to change it. You can call it 'accent mark' and erase the 'tilde' if you think that part is confusing. I was taught at school that it was 'tilde', though... but what most people understand is more important and I (and my teacher) could be wrong.
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tilde & spanish accenting.
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