This is the Message Centre for Jonathan Brisby
Taipan - Jack of Hearts Started conversation Dec 10, 1999
Couldn't resist this one, I won't give you the blurb though - unless you really want it.
Tell Mike A (do you talk to yourself?) that he wasn't the first to press the oh so inviting be the first to discuss this entry link though.
Mike A (snowblind) Posted Dec 11, 1999
But most definatley the fourth!
JB won't be very talkative for a while.
Seeing as, in the film, he was killed by the farmer's cat.
But he lives on in our hearts (and in the fanfic peice All Soul's Night), and that's what inables him to be here!
Jonathan Brisby Posted Mar 4, 2000
Wow, here I am! Sorry I'm late, had a bit of trouble with some technical stuff I only just worked out right now!
Ummm, how are you?
msmonsy Posted Mar 4, 2000
well, hello there i had almost given up on this welcome forum
hope everything has worked itself out now
Jonathan Brisby Posted Mar 7, 2000
Hmm, yeah, that's something that's come to my attention (like right now):
How often to ACEs pop back to hello forums once conversation sprouts? I mean generally the ACE team as a whole. Just curious...
And, yeah, everything's sorted. I'm ready to rock and I'm ready to roll!
Better get on with it then...
Mike A (snowblind) Posted Mar 9, 2000
I reckon I ought to have left all the SoN talk to you, mate *^_^*.
Surely an ACE would only go and post back in a 'hello' thread if there was any point to it? I mean, if conversation sprouts and it's nothing to do with them then obviously they won't post. I know I wouldn't...
Jonathan Brisby Posted Mar 9, 2000
Well, I knew what I meant, but just kinda had difficulty expressing it in words.
Uuuh, I guess we can forget about it for now. Maybe I'll word it properly sometime
Mike A (snowblind) Posted Mar 24, 2000
Jonathan, would you be so kind as to put this GuideML code on your homepage?
Mike A (snowblind) Posted Apr 18, 2000
Ok Jonathan, as a member of BBD you got certain responsibilities! Though as you haven't been online for a while, I'll fogive you. When you're ready to come back...
Please visit the Dangermouse convention at the Cheshire Grin Inn:
Please visit this website:
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: Taipan - Jack of Hearts (Dec 10, 1999)
- 2: MadMunk?¿ (Dec 10, 1999)
- 3: msmonsy (Dec 11, 1999)
- 4: Mike A (snowblind) (Dec 11, 1999)
- 5: Jonathan Brisby (Mar 4, 2000)
- 6: msmonsy (Mar 4, 2000)
- 7: Jonathan Brisby (Mar 7, 2000)
- 8: Mike A (snowblind) (Mar 9, 2000)
- 9: Jonathan Brisby (Mar 9, 2000)
- 10: Mike A (snowblind) (Mar 24, 2000)
- 11: Jonathan Brisby (Mar 26, 2000)
- 12: Mike A (snowblind) (Apr 18, 2000)
- 13: Jonathan Brisby (Apr 19, 2000)
- 14: Mike A (snowblind) (May 13, 2000)
- 15: Jonathan Brisby (May 26, 2000)
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